Nondiscrimination Policy
Title IX
Apollo Career Center does not discriminate on the basis of sex in any education program or activity that it operates, including admission and employment. The District is required by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the regulations promulgated through the U.S. Department of Education not to discriminate in such a manner. Inquiries about the application of Title IX to the District may be referred to the District’s Title IX Coordinator, to the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, or both.
The Board’s policy of nondiscrimination extends to students, staff, job applicants, the general public and individuals with whom it does business and applies to race, color, national origin, ancestry, citizenship status, religion, sex, age, disability, military status or other legally protected classes. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of legally acquired genetic information.
The Board does not permit discriminatory practices and views harassment as a form of discrimination.
Employees or students who engage in discrimination of another employee or student shall be subject to disciplinary action.
Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to discrimination does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.
No one shall retaliate against an employee or student because he/she files a grievance; assists or participates in an investigation, proceeding or hearing regarding the charge of discrimination of an individual; or because he/she has opposed language or conduct that violates this policy.
The Board Designates the following individual to serve as the compliance officer.
Sarah Jamison, Supervisor, Title IX Coordinator
3325 Shawnee Road
Lima Ohio 45806
The compliance officer is responsible for coordinating the District’s efforts to comply with applicable Federal and State laws and regulations, including the District’s duty to address any inquires or complaints regarding discrimination/retaliation or denial of equal access in a prompt and equitable manner.
Title IV Policies
Training Materials
Reports and Complaints of Unlawful Discrimination/Harassment
All persons associated with the District, including, but not limited to, the Board, administration, staff, students, and third parties are encouraged to promptly report incidents of unlawful discrimination/harassment.
The Board has developed complaint procedures, which are made available to every member of the school community. The Board also has identified disciplinary penalties which may be imposed on the offender.
Matters, including the identity of both the charging party and the accused, are kept confidential to the extent possible.
Online Policy Manual
Click the link below to bring up the Apollo Career Center manual on the OSBA website.
- When you look at the left side of the screen you’ll see a list of Sections A-L for your online policy manual.
- Click on the clear arrow to the left of the empty box*, or on the file folder, to view the entire Chapter. This will show you all of the policies, including the regulations and the exhibits/forms. (*The empty box feature is listed below under Printing Policies)
- To Close a Section, Click on the small black down arrow to the left of the empty box and file folder.
- To Print: Bring up your link and open the main file folder, you will get a drop-down menu with the different Sections listed.
- Next to each Section, you will notice a small empty box* next to the file folder. At this point, if you wanted to print all the policies in that section you can Click on the box and the entire Section will be selected to print.
- If you want to print individual policies, you can drop down the entire Section by Clicking on the folder for that Section. Then select the policy or policies that you would like to print by Clicking on each empty box for each individual policy.
- Advanced Search button: Can be found above your logo. This button will allow you to search in many different ways for something that you’re looking for within your policy manual.
Just a few examples of these searches are; containing all these words, containing one ore more of these words, or containing exact phrase. - Saved searches; you can save a search for future searches. NOTE: This “saved searches” feature only saves the searches on the server used by the searcher. It does not save for all viewers of the link.
- You can return to the Title Page with the logo and list of Board Members by Clicking on the button called ”Document,” next to the “Advanced Search” button.
OAC & ORC Cross-References
At the end of each policy there are references to the OAC and the ORC. If you click on the reference number it will take you to the live version of LAWriter’s® definition for that Ohio Administrative Code or Ohio Revised Code.
- If you ever have the need to look up an Ohio Revised Code (ORC) without referencing a specific policy you can do this by using the link.
- Once you’ve opened the link to your Online Policy Manual you will notice at the bottom of the page there is a separate sentence that says; “Click here to view and search a complete version of the Ohio Revised Code.”
- This will take you to the “LAWriter’s®” – There you will find a search box that you can enter the code that you are looking for. Or enter the subject that you’re searching for within this site.
Policies that contain cross-references at the end of a policy can also be clicked on and you will bring up the cross-referenced policy/policies. They will be listed at the bottom of the screen. You can select whichever reference policy/policies you’d like to review.
How to Refresh your Main Screen
When you want to clear/refresh your screen back to the starting mode, simply Click on the “Home” Button at the top of the screen.